Does anyone else have a hard time finishing a project? I suspect it’s a common theme among developers. At the beginning, a project is fresh and new, and it’s fun setting up new tools, cleaning the slate, and getting that first prototype up and running. But as time goes on and the needed features pile up, excitement wanes. Your clean initial bits of code have been cluttered by refactoring and redesign as requirements evolved and unexpected complexities emerged. What was once new is now routine when you’re adding feature 42 of 50, and by the time a task is 90% done, you’re tired of looking at it and desperate for something different.
You’re not alone in this feeling; it’s a well documented phenomenon across a variety of creative disciplines. But fight that tendency, my friends, and push through, because a finished imperfect project is better than a perfect unfinished one.
My theory is that the inability to finish is a combination of the 80/20 rule, unavoidable code rot, and the Creator’s Curse. Naming these issues is the first step to mitigating them, so don’t be afraid to call them out when you see them, both on your team and especially in your own work.
I know personally it was a barrier to getting this blog going again, and it’s a problem I still fight. Am I totally happy with this post? No, not really (writing it while trying to listen in on a teleconference doesn’t help). But I’m clicking publish anyways.