Month: January 2025

A Little Nudge

A Little Nudge

I’m continually surprised at how much resistance I can put up to learning a new technology when there’s a comfortable equivalent to fall back on, because once I’m finally forced to engage, and get over the initial inertia, I’m typically able to quickly pick up the new skill.

Today’s example: FastAPI. I went from zero to fully-functional serverless stack in an hour. That wasn’t so bad! I probably shouldn’t have wasted any time with my go-to HTTP framework when I was prototyping, though to be fair, their conceptual similarities made porting painless.

Learning to learn fast is a driver of exponential personal growth.

Random Content

Random Content

Last week I stumbled onto this presentation I made for a job interview I did nearly 11 years ago. Python generators are pretty cool! I also dig the vaguely LCARS styling, which was a built-in theme of Google Sheets.

Thought it’d be fun to share here. Enjoy!

(Oh, and in posting this I also learned how to ensure a consistent aspect ratio in CSS. Cool!)