Month: December 2023

Resolution Recap

Resolution Recap

Relaxing on a much-needed holiday has given me time to wrap up a couple books, bringing this year’s reading to a close (I’ve also finally started Alexander Hamilton, but no way I’m finishing it on my return flight; it’s good but long).

Per my meta-resolution, I aimed to read 44 books this year. I’m finishing at 48, though a few only barely qualify. Here’s this year’s 5-star selections:

How did I do in my objective to read more non-male, non-white authors? The goal was 32 books, and I finished with 14 non-male, 15 non-white, and 4 both, for a total of 33. Mission accomplished? Quantitatively yes, but qualitatively, the mission of broadening horizons is never done; this will continue to be a focus area.

What will I aim for next year (besides the obligatory quantity)? For one, I intend to read more history and biographies. Given my job, I also am going to do more reading on politics and government. Should be fun!



(Editor’s note: the past two posts, Mother Of Invention, Edge Case, and this one form a trilogy of sorts, all related to a particular project I’ve been digging into).

When I first needed a way to get access to AWS from a non-cloud-based computer, I implemented 3 options: hard-coded IAM user credentials (generally bad), user-based Cognito (okay but not super scalable), and X.509 via IoT (good technology, but cumbersome to set up).

This week I had a similar authentication need within an on-premises cluster, and was happy for the chance to learn the most up-to-date approach: IAM Roles Anywhere. I really appreciate the authors of these two blog posts who captured the step-by-step quite a bit better than the official documentation:

I used my own certificate authority because AWS Private CA is too dang expensive; $400 a month doesn’t grow on trees, ya know? Here’s the bash script to create the root CA:

mkdir -p root-ca/certs    # New Certificates issued are stored here
mkdir -p root-ca/db       # Openssl managed database
mkdir -p root-ca/private  # Private key dir for the CA

chmod 700 root-ca/private
touch root-ca/db/index

# Give our root-ca a unique identifier
openssl rand -hex 16 > root-ca/db/serial

# Create the certificate signing request
openssl req -new -config root-ca.conf -out root-ca.csr -keyout root-ca/private/root-ca.key

# Sign our request
openssl ca -selfsign -config root-ca.conf -in root-ca.csr -out root-ca.crt -extensions ca_ext

# Print out information about the created cert
openssl x509 -in root-ca.crt -text -noout

The output from the above is what’s used to create the Trust Anchor. Then here’s a script to create a certificate for the process that will be authenticating:

# Provide a name for the output files as a parameter

# Make your private key specific to your end entity
openssl genpkey -out $entity_name.key -algorithm RSA -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048

# Using your newly generated private key make a certificate signing request
openssl req -new -key $entity_name.key -out $entity_name.csr

# Print out information about the created request
openssl req -text -noout -verify -in $entity_name.csr

# Sign the above cert
openssl ca -config root-ca.conf -in $entity_name.csr -out $entity_name.crt -extensions client_ext

# Print out information about the created cert
openssl x509 -in $entity_name.crt -text -noout

Special thanks also to the creator of iam-rolesanywhere-session, a Python package that makes it easy to create refreshable boto3 Session with IAM Roles Anywhere. Seriously, could it be easier?

from iam_rolesanywhere_session import IAMRolesAnywhereSession

roles_anywhere_session = IAMRolesAnywhereSession(

boto3_session = roles_anywhere_session.get_session()
s3_client = boto3_session.client('s3')

This was a good reminder that technology marches ever onward, and what made sense yesterday might not be the best approach today. It was also a reminder that, like DNS, TLS and PKI are some of those things that every technologist ought to know (I’ve queued up this book in my Goodreads for a deeper dive). This isn’t the first time I’ve had to write code to create certificates, but it’s now the last, because I’ll have this reference post plus its associated code repository. And so will you.

Edge Case

Edge Case

I was today years old when I learned that an object key in S3 can end with a slash. Why might someone use such a strange key, you ask? Well, I was working today on a static website served by CloudFront that needs to serve a particular JSON document at /foo/bar/ (note the trailing slash). One option was to create the corresponding object at /foo/bar and then use a CloudFront function to remove the trailing slash. But that adds complexity, cost, and a tiny bit of latency. Could there be a better way?

Indeed there was! Create the object with a prefix of /foo/bar/ and Bob’s your uncle. Admittedly it’s a bit tricky to create an object with such a key. The console won’t do it, and neither will the aws CLI (at least not without getting fiddly with encoding, and no one’s got time for that). But boto3 to the rescue, it’ll happily do it.

Obligatory bit of additional knowledge: know your slashes.

Mother Of Invention

Mother Of Invention

More often than not, the tool you need to solve a particular programming problem has already been created and is easily discoverable via PyPI, npm, etc. I rejoice in these times.

Sometimes, however, the tool you need does not exist. Yet I still rejoice in these times, because they present an opportunity to create a new thing and share it with the world.

I’m thus here to announce sql-to-odata, a Python package containing tools to facilitate adding an OData interface in front of a SQL database. It’s limited right now to my specific use case (creating static extracts from SQLite), but if there ends up being broader interest, who knows what it might become.