One Day Closer

One Day Closer

My dad died ten years ago today. Hard to believe it’s been a decade, but time marches on no matter our feelings.

I’ve written about him before: how his early investment in a home computer forever altered the course of my future, how his prodding to my shy teenage self got me my first job (and a wealth of early life lessons), and how his constant encouragement became the bedrock of my sense of self.

But today I was reminded of something else he modeled: the value of just showing up. The man bent over backwards to be at every little league game, every band concert, every academic awards banquet, and so much more, usually with video camera in hand.

I’m not as good at it as he was, if I’m honest. But it’s an ideal I strive for, both personally and professionally. Do what you say you’ll do, be where you say you’ll be, pay attention, be engaged. There are no small things.

(Oh, and yes, I am wearing a Star Wars tie at my high school graduation, thanks for noticing!)

2 Replies to “One Day Closer”

  1. Yes, following thru with what you say you are going to do sets you far above the crowd. -Katie and Hard to overstate the impact of a father. -Dave

  2. What a positive way to observe the date. You’ve given me a great example to follow for the second anniversary of my father’s passing.

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