Spirit And Truth

Spirit And Truth

As I was reading Things they didn’t teach you about Software Engineering, I found myself frequently nodding along. There’s a fountain of wisdom here. Seriously, go read it, or at least go read the headers, which are helpfully summarized along the side of the page.

One worth a deeper dive is this: domain knowledge is more important than your coding skills. I cannot agree more. If you don’t know your customer, it’s unlikely anything you build will add value, no matter how perfectly it’s constructed. And given that the typical end-user is rarely going to be a developer themselves, this knowledge won’t come automatically. It needs to be pursued intentionally.

I’ll go even further, though: knowledge isn’t enough. When the going gets tough (and it will, because programming is hard), a team needs more than information about their customers to keep them moving forward. They need an emotion powerful enough to overcome diverse roadblocks. They need empathy.

The best engineers don’t just seek to know about the problems they’re solving. They internalize those problems, engaging their emotions alongside their intellect. When a customer has a challenge, they feel it in their bones (it’s not by accident that we use the metaphor of a “pain point” when describing problems). When a customer is angry at a missed deadline or poor quality outcome, they lean in, acknowledging failure. And when a customer is overjoyed at the success of a new product launch, they get to share in that happiness.

Empathy is the key that unlocks the willpower to achieve great things. Regardless of technical prowess, show me an empathetic developer, and I’ll show you a good one.

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