Winging It
I keep a running list of topics, but today I’m ignoring it and shooting from the hip. A stream of consciousness post, if you will.
Yesterday evening I added a couple new features to an Ionic app. I’m really appreciating the improvements brought by Angular 2; it’s made the architecture quite a bit cleaner than before, and adding new capabilities is quick and painless. I still have a ways to go before I fully grok observables, but I’m getting there.
Was talking with a musician friend of mine on Sunday about the difficulty of making meaningful progress on a project without having at least 2 continuous hours of focused time to work on it. Half hours here and there don’t cut it. That’s an important truth both for us nerds who try to do side work in our spare time. It’s also an important reminder for non-nerds who feel the need to interrupt the nerds in their charge.
Speaking of interruptions, nearly 6 hours passed since I wrote that past sentence due to an urgent production bug. Who knew when I woke up this morning that by noon I’d be decompiling Java classes from a production server. Yay!