Ticking Away The Moments

Ticking Away The Moments

Nine years ago today I started this blog with a post that laid out my intentions in creating it. It’s cliché, but true, that a lot has changed in the intervening (near) decade, but for the most part, I think I’ve hewn pretty closely to the original idea, even if my underlying motivations have shifted.

Like many things worth doing, it took some time to find a good rhythm. After two initial posts I went almost 2 years without writing anything. Had a great streak going in 2017, but sputtered out in 2018 and didn’t get going again until early 2020. Since then, though, I’ve been on a roll. Maybe it was turning 40? Maybe it was COVID? Can’t say for sure, but I’ve been happy with my consistency since then (and a growing readership is nice too).

In other wistful, “how time flies!” type subject matter, my youngest kid left for college this past weekend and my oldest starts her junior year with a new location and major. They’re both gonna crush it, I have no doubt.

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