Tag: Are Right A Lot

Hodgepodge Advice

Hodgepodge Advice

I’m a sucker for lists that contain pithy nuggets of truth. Here’s two great ones I found this week:

Some of my favorite statements, in no particular order:

If you don’t have a good grasp of the universe of what’s possible, you can’t design a good system

Every system eventually sucks, get over it

Software engineers should write regularly

Always strive to build a smaller system

KISS, don’t be afraid, and boring > cool

The bottleneck is almost always the database

Doomed To Repeat It

Doomed To Repeat It

Technologists are particularly susceptible to recency bias. It’s one reason why I try to read older computer science literature from time to time (especially work from the 60s and 70s). The Mythical Man-Month is my canonical example; it should be required reading for everyone who works with technology. The Psychology of Computer Programming contains timeless truths of what it takes to lead a team of software engineers. Donald Knuth’s The Art of Computer Programming is a dense, three volume work, but much treasure lies within. I’ve only finished the first book, but I came away with tremendous respect for the geniuses that paved the way for us fortunate souls who have IDEs, fast compilers, and gigabytes of RAM.

Today I read On the Criteria To Be Used in Decomposing Systems into Modules, a research paper by D.L. Parnas of Carnegie-Mellon University, published in 1972. While the details of the middle section weren’t terribly interesting, it’s the bookends of introduction and conclusion that impressed me. The benefits of two-pizza teams were clearly understood fifty years ago, for example (“separate groups would work on each module with little need for communication”) and the paper lays out a novel approach to decomposition (to me, at least):

“We propose instead that one begins with a list of difficult design decisions or design decisions which are likely to change. Each module is then designed to hide such a decision from the others.”

The above resonates with prior posts I’ve written on abstractions, especially Out of Sight, Out of Mind. If the goal of abstraction is to hide difficult detail, we ought to modularize with that goal front-and-center.

I Appreciate You

I Appreciate You

Technology-related work, like all work, is primarily a social endeavor. It’s surprising that so little effort goes into preparing aspiring technologists about this side of the business, especially given our propensity to be singularly bad at it. Hence this article.

Along related lines, I found the suggestions in What Makes a Great IT Consultant completely applicable to a broader set of technology roles, and would highly recommend it.

I’ve also finally started digging into The Architecture of Open Source Applications; it’s been hit and miss, but more of the former, so definitely worth the time investment. A statement that jumped out at me today (from the chapter on Eclipse) was that an API is a social contract just as much as it is a technical one. I like that way of looking at it; seems a natural corollary of Conway’s Law.

In tangentially-related news, season 2 of Ted Lasso comes out today. You should watch it.

Slip Of The Finger

Slip Of The Finger

Don’t run your tests with production data. Just don’t. Otherwise, your customers will end up with delightful emails like this:

In jobs past I was pretty cavalier with production data. I was never part of a major incident, but that was more due to luck than strong security controls and separation of concerns. Really thankful that my current employer takes this stuff as seriously as it deserves.

On The Shoulders Of Giants

On The Shoulders Of Giants

Apparently I really like the above phrase as a blog post title, because this marks the third time I’ve used it. I also once owned its equivalent domain name, where I hosted a blog where everything was themed around it. The blog itself I believe is still out on the Internet, but I’m not going to link to it; I’m not exactly embarrassed by it, but I am a very different person than I was 10 years ago when it was written.

The tagline on that blog was an interesting one: when experience is not retained, infancy is perpetual. That could certainly be said for experience in technical domains like software development, where there’s a bias towards the new, and few people spend time studying the history of the field. Which is why I couldn’t be more excited to have discovered The Architecture of Open Source Applications, a set of books that cover in detail a variety of programs that are used daily around the world.

I just need to finish The Expanse series first, only 2 books to go!

A Plethora Of Potpourri

A Plethora Of Potpourri

During interviews, a common question directed at me is what my day-to-day looks like. While it feels like a cop-out, the answer is that I do whatever my customers need me to do. Some days that might mean writing Python, Node.js, or Java. Other days it might mean terraform, CDK, or (ugh) CloudFormation. Still other days it might not mean code at all, but leading daily stand-ups, drawing architecture diagrams, writing documentation, giving training, or planning long-term goals. And that’s not to mention all my managerial tasks like 1-on-1s, goal setting, performance reviews, an mentoring, since I view my team as customers of a sort.

We talk at AWS of being comfortable with ambiguity. It’s a posture that doesn’t suit everyone, but pretty much any technical job of worthwhile complexity requires the ability to deal with unknowns. There are no hard and fast rules. No absolutes. System design, software development, team leadership, they are all just as much art as science, requiring both good intuitions and good data to get right.

Don’t believe me? Then consider how Stack Overflow tells it.

Perdido En La Traducción

Perdido En La Traducción

Today my kids had to choose between virtual and socially-distanced on-campus learning for this fall semester (thanks COVID-19). The selection process involved picking their high school from a drop-down on the district website. Oddly we couldn’t initially find their school (Del Norte) in the list.

Why not? Well, it turns out that Google Chrome’s auto-translate feature was attempting to be helpful, and transformed it into “From North”. Which made me realize three things:

  • I’m really thankful to be techie and able to debug such issues, because I imagine this will cause confusion for those less clued-in to potential browser oddities.
  • It’s really hard for computers to do be “smartly” helpful in a transparent way; if an algorithm isn’t darn near perfect it’s likely to do more harm than good.
  • The implementor should have added translate=no to their <html> tag to avoid this problem altogether.
A Tale As Old As 2001

A Tale As Old As 2001

For the next week or two I’m going to go back through my old drafts and finish them up. That means the stories are at least a year or two old. For this one, I’m curious if Edge finally changed the behavior. Anyone want to try it out?

When you’re debugging a pernicious issue, there’s no greater feeling than Google search auto-completing your first couple search terms and matching a page that describes your problem to a T. The challenge of course is figuring out those magic couple of words.

The team was recently trying to figure out an IE11-only problem (ugh) where our authentication mechanism was failing, but only for a subset of customers, with no obvious commonality. The server would return a Set-Cookie header, but the browser completely ignored it. WTF, Microsoft!

We’d spent an entire day trying to come up with a solution, until finally stumbling into the root cause: underscores in the subdomain. Chrome and Firefox are cool with them, but IE silently refuses to store cookies when they’re present. The details are a fascinating combination of unexpected side effects from a bug fix, misinterpreted web standards, and lingering backwards compatibility. This post captures the story nicely.

My product manager had never been thrilled with the way we’d been handling domain names. While I couldn’t have anticipated our design would lead to this misadventure (and a simple s/_/-/ solved the problem), I probably should have given his critique a closer listen.