Livin’ On A Prayer

Livin’ On A Prayer

Today marks a unique milestone. It’s exactly halfway between the day I started my professional career as a software developer (June 4, 2001) and the same date the year I turn 65 (June 4, 2044), ostensibly about the time I retire (though who knows, I’m a bit of a workaholic).

Richard Rohr, the Franciscan priest and writer, speaks of “the two halves of life” in his book Falling Upward. Indeed, midpoints are a common moment to reflect on how far one has come, and how far one has left to go. I’m no exception to that. I’ve been blessed to have been in the tech industry for over 20 years. Done some fun work. Some interesting work. And I hope, some work that’s used technology to improve people’s lives while having a positive influence on those around me along the way.

It’s a common refrain that technology in its myriad forms has ruined humanity, whether it be social media and cell phones in 2022, the printing press back in the 15th century, or even agriculture in ages past. Maybe I prefer to see the bright side in things, because I believe that despite our faults in wielding it, the evidence shows that technology has unlocked human potential and made lives better in innumerable ways. I wouldn’t wish any of it away, and moving forward it still can, should, and must be used for the betterment of us all.

This will require us to remain vigilant and disciplined, ask tough questions, and apply our knowledge well, but I believe that it’s possible to do so. I’ve tried my best these first twenty-one and a half years. Here’s to twenty-one and a half more!

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